Thursday, July 20, 2006

7.20.06 - Blogging as a first?

Hey guys. As you can tell, this is my first blog so I'm still trying to get the general idea of what I want to do.
I started this blog because of a man named Waldo Jaquith... he came to my class and he's a blogger. He taught us all about the history of blogging and the powers bloggers of today have over the media and the politics of the nation. SO I decided to give it a try.

I've been told I'm slightly liberal, but I do try to stay on both sides of the issue. However, I'm not so sure I agree with President Bush's Iraq policy. WE SHOULD BE USING THIS MONEY IN IRAQ TO FUND STEM CELL RESEARCH!!!!!!!

My ideas on Stem Cell research:

-We have adult stem cells. These are legal and available. However, adult stem cells are very limited in their usage. They are more likely to contain DNA abnormalities and are more mature than embryonic stem cells. Therefore they are not as useful as less-developed embryonic stem cells.

-Embryonic stem cells can be taken from embryoes that are going to be disposed of anyway. It would cause no harm to take stem cells from these embyros.

-Embryonic stem cells have many uses. They can help treat brain disorders, spinal cord injuries, and a number of other maladies of the flesh.

Think about it and comment.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a rather good blog. I would have to say from your posts so far that you are more than just a little liberal. Also, I totally agree with you on stem cell research, I'm pretty sure that babies that will end up being aborted can give up their stem cells.

Those against stem cell research, namely religious conservatives contradict themselves when they say life begins at conception because they also say that life is "more than just science and it is the beginning of your soul in the eyes of god" or something, which doesn't make sense if they also say life begins when the two gametes combine to make a cell.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a religious guy, but I dont make a fool of myself by shouting out "Jesus take the wheel!" everytime someone mentions stem cell research or global warming

Just my thoughts

7:17 PM  

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